
RS Office mat under the chair on the floor Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm

FELLOWES | RSMATE1809 | 4024591002850

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RS Office Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm

The protective mat serves as protection against damage to the floors by office chair wheels. Thanks to the heat-welded VAB film, the bottom side is anti-slip and the mat stays in place even when the chair moves. The pad is PVC-free, odorless and contains no toxic chemicals. Due to its smooth and adhesive surface, it is suitable for hard floors.

Dimensions: 1200 x 900 x 1.8 mm


  • PET
  • PUR

Designation: for hard floors


Weight, brutto [kg]3
Dimension [mm]1200 × 900 × 1,8 mm


(BG) RS Office подложка под стола на пода Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 см(HR) RS Office prostirka ispod stolice na podu Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(CS) RS Office podložka pod židli na podlahu Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(DA) RS Kontormåtte under stolen på gulvet Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(NL) RS Bureaumat onder de stoel op de vloer Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(EN) RS Office mat under the chair on the floor Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(ET) RS Office matt tooli all põrandal Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(FI) RS Toimistomatto tuolin alla lattialla Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(FR) Tapis de bureau RS sous la chaise au sol Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(DE) RS Büromatte unter dem Stuhl auf dem Boden Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(EL) RS Χαλάκι γραφείου κάτω από την καρέκλα στο πάτωμα Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(HU) RS Irodai szőnyeg a szék alatt a padlón Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(GA) RS mata Oifig faoin gcathaoir ar an urlár Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(IT) Tappetino da ufficio RS sotto la sedia a terra Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(LV) RS Biroja paklājiņš zem krēsla uz grīdas Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(LT) RS Office kilimėlis po kėde ant grindų Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(LB) RS Büromatte ënner dem Stull um Buedem Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(PL) RS Mata biurowa pod krzesło na podłogę Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(PT) Tapete de escritório RS sob a cadeira no chão Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(RU) RS Офисный коврик под стул на полу Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 см(SK) RS Office podložka pod stoličku na podlahu Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(SL) RS Office podloga pod stolom na tleh Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(ES) RS Alfombrilla de oficina debajo de la silla en el suelo Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(SV) RS Kontorsmatta under stolen på golvet Dura Grip Meta 90 x 120 cm(UK) Килимок RS Office під крісло на підлогу Dura Grip Meta 90 х 120 см