
XtendLan Professional crimping pliers with ratchet RJ45 RJ12 RJ11

XTENDLAN Consumer | HT-2008AR | 8592457142195

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XtendLan HT-2008AR

These universal ratchet pliers are suitable for working with RJ-45, RJ-12, RJ-11\ cables. They are made of high-quality material, which ensures their long life and reliability. They are durable and easy to work with thanks to the comfortable handle. The pliers include an integrated insulation cutter for round cables. For 6-pin connectors, it is possible to set pliers for 6P6C (RJ12) or for DEC connectors with a flat screwdriver. The length of the arm is 210 mm.


  • RJ45
  • RJ-12
  • RJ11
  • RJ10
  • 4P2C
  • DEC




(BG) Професионални кримпващи клещи XtendLan с тресчотка RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(HR) XtendLan profesionalna kliješta za stezanje s čegrtaljkom RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(CS) XtendLan Kleště krimpovací profi s ráčnou RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(DA) XtendLan Professional crimptang med skralde RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(NL) XtendLan Professionele krimptang met ratel RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(EN) XtendLan Professional crimping pliers with ratchet RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(ET) XtendLan Professionaalsed põrkmehhanismiga presstangid RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(FI) XtendLan Professional puristuspihdit räikkä RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(FR) XtendLan Pince à sertir professionnelle avec cliquet RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(DE) XtendLan Professionelle Crimpzange mit Ratsche RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(EL) XtendLan Professional πένσα πτύχωσης με καστάνια RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(HU) XtendLan Professzionális krimpelő fogó racsnis RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(GA) XtendLan Greamairí cúrála gairmiúla le ratchet RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(IT) XtendLan Pinza a crimpare professionale con cricchetto RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(LV) XtendLan Professional presēšanas knaibles ar sprūdratu RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(LT) XtendLan Profesionalios užspaudimo replės su reketu RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(LB) XtendLan Professionell Crimpzang mat Ratchet RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(PL) XtendLan Profesjonalne szczypce do zaciskania z grzechotką RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(PT) Alicate de crimpagem profissional XtendLan com catraca RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(RU) Обжимные клещи XtendLan Professional с храповым механизмом RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(SK) XtendLan Kliešte krimpovacie profi s račňou RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(SL) XtendLan Professional klešče za stiskanje z ragljo RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(ES) XtendLan Alicates de engarzar profesionales con trinquete RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(SV) XtendLan Professional presstång med spärr RJ45 RJ12 RJ11(UK) XtendLan Професійні обтискні кліщі з тріскачкою RJ45 RJ12 RJ11